Popis produktu
Sešit s klavírním doprovodem pro sólový sešit (kod: EL03746)
Seznam písní
Allegro (Saint-Saens, arr. Dishinger)
Aurora (Ostling)
Bordogni Medley (arr. Bowles)
Bourree (Handel, arr. Swanson)
Dance of the Slovaks (Bartok, arr. Dishinger)
The Elephant Dance (Weber)
Gallant Captain (arr. Ostling)
Largetto and Allegro (Handel, arr. Little)
Legend (Stoutamire)
Military March (arr. Little)
Minuet (Eccles, arr. Dishinger)
Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child (Spiritual, arr. Barnes)
Where'er You Walk (Handel, arr. Swanson)
Work Song (Barnes)