Popis produktu
Sešit s klavírními doprovody pro vybrané skladby k sešitu Cello Time Jogger 1 (OUP220874).
Seznam písní
Under arrest!
Down up
Fast lane
In flight
Lift off
Katie's waltz
Rhythm fever
Here it comes!
Tap dancer
So there!
Rowing boat
C string boogie
Travellin' slow
Tiptoe, boo!
Lazy cowboy
City lights
Clare's song
Chinese garden
Summer sun
On the prowl
Ready, steady, go now!
Happy go lucky
Listen to the rhythm
Cattle ranch blues
In the groove
Stamping dance
Walking bass
Runaway train
Distant bells
Lazy scale
The old castle
Rocking horse
Patrick's reel
Calypso time
Cello Time