CLARINA SK, s.r.o.
Sládkovičova 1, vchod z Palisád
Po 9:00-17:00
Ut 9:00-17:00
St 9:00-17:00
Št 9:00-17:00
Pi 9:00-17:00
+421 944 250 582
The Pose of the Bow and Gradations of ToneThe Development of the BowThe Control of the BowThe Develoment of the BowSustained Detached BowingDetached BowingSimplicityThe Division of the Bow in a MelodyMarchThe MarteleThe MarteleAllegro ModeratoPremilinary Exercices for the ShakeThe ShakeGroups Substituting the ShakeVarious BowingVarious BowingRomanceFinger ExercicesSubstitution of FingersThe Suppleness of the WristThe Same in TripletsTransient Shakes and OctavesThe MordantNear the Nut, Lifting the Bow After Each NotePolonaiseCantabile Playing and Doubble StoppingEasy BowingThe Staccato - The ChatteterLeft Hand Pizzicato - Village Patrol