Kód produktu: 532274
999 Kč vč. DPH
999 Kč bez DPH
Dostupnost: skladem
Cena za: ks
Záruka: 24 měsíců
V prodeji od: Prosinec 2014

Popis produktu

Velmi obsáhlá kolekce více než 100 nejznámějších, nejpopulárnějších a nejoblíbenějších koled v úpravě pro vokální soubory. Většina skladeb je upravena pro SATB vokální soubory.  Tato kolekce obsahuje jak písně a cappella (bez doprovodu), tak skladby s klavírním nebo varhaním doprovodem. Cenově velmi výhodný a obsahově téměř nevyčerpatelný zdroj koled vhodných pro všechny vánoční vystoupení, oslavy a další příležitosti.

  • Provedení: kniha - měkká vazba

  • Aranžéři: Willcocks, David, Rutter, John

  • Hudební styl: vánoční hudba, klasická + duchovní hudba

  • Velikost (rozměr): 18 x 25 cm

  • Počet skladeb: 109

  • Počet stran: 386

  • hudební úprava: sborová partitura / klavír, sborová partitura / a cappella

  • Obsazení: sbor, kvartet

  • Odběr minimálně 1 kus


Adam lay ybounden (Warlock)All my heart this night rejoices (Ebeling)Alleluya, a new work is come on hand (Wishart)Angels, from the realms of glory (Willcocks)Angelus ad virginem (Willcocks)As with gladness men of old (Willcocks)Ave plena gracia (Davies)Away in a manger (Kirkpatrick/Willcocks)Birthday carol (Willcocks)The cherry tree carol (Willcocks)Child in a manger (Rutter)A child is born in Bethlehem (Willcocks)Christmas night (Rutter)Coventry carol (Rutter)Coventry carol (Shaw)Cradle song (Rutter)The crown of roses (Tchaikovsky)Deck the hall (Willcocks)Ding dong! merrily on high (Willcocks)Ding dong! merrily on high (Wood)The first Nowell (Willcocks)Gabriel to Mary came (Willcocks)Gabriel's message (Willcocks)God rest you merry, gentlemen (Willcocks)Good King Wenceslas (Willcocks)A great and mighty wonder (Praetorius)Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary (Wood)Hark! the herald-angels sing (Mendelssohn/Willcocks)He is born the divine Christ-child (Willcocks)Here we come a-wassailing (Rutter)The holly and the ivy (Davies)Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber (Willcocks)I saw a maiden (Pettman)I saw three ships (Rutter)I saw three ships (Willcocks)I wonder as I wander (Niles/Rutter)Il est né le divin enfant (Willcocks)In Dulci Jubilo (Pearsall)In the bleak mid-winter (Holst)In the bleak mid-winter (Darke)Infant holy, infant lowly (Willcocks)The Infant King (Willcocks)It came upon the midnight clear (Willcocks)Jesus child (Rutter)Jesus Christ is risen today (Willcocks)Jesus Christ the apple tree (Poston)Jingle, bells (Pierpont/Willcocks)Joy to the world (Mason/Rutter)Joys seven (Cleobury)King Jesus hath a garden (Wood)Kings of Orient (Hopkins/Willcocks)Lo! he comes with clouds descending (Willcocks)Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming (Praetorius)Longfellow's carol (Percival)Lord of the Dance (Carter/Willcocks)Lute-book lullaby (Ballet/Shaw)A maiden most gentle (Carter)Mary's Lullaby (Rutter)A merry Christmas (Warrell)Myn lyking (Terry)Nativity carol (Rutter)A New Year carol (Britten)O come, all ye faithful (Wade/Willcocks)O come, o come, Emmanuel (Willcocks)O little one sweet (Bach)O little town of Bethlehem (Williams/Armstrong)O little town of Bethlehem (Davies)O Queen of heaven (Rogers)Of the Father's heart begotten (Willcocks)Once, as I remember (Wood)Once in royal David's city (Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks)Out of your sleep (Bennett)Past three a clock (Wood)Personent hodie (Holst)Quelle est cette odeur agréable? (Willcocks)Quem pastores laudavere (Rutter)Rise up, shepherd, and follow (Rutter)Sans Day Carol (Rutter)See amid the winter's snow (Willcocks)The shepherds' farewell (Berlioz)Shepherds in the field abiding (Willcocks)Shepherds left their flocks a-straying (Rutter)Shepherd's pipe carol (Rutter)Silent night (Gruber/Willcocks)Sing aloud on this day! (Holst)Sir Christemas (Mathias)A spotless Rose (Howells)Star carol (Rutter)Still, still, still (Ledger)Stille Nacht (Gruber/Willcocks)Sussex carol (Willcocks)There is a flower (Rutter)There is no rose (Stevens)This Christmas night (Williamson)This joyful Eastertide (Wood)The three kings (Cornelius/Atkins)Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Willcocks)The truth from above (Williams)The twelve days of Christmas (Rutter)Unto us is born a son (Willcocks)Up! good Christen folk, and listen (Woodward)A virgin most pure (Wood)Wassail song (Williams)Wexford carol (Rutter)What cheer? (Walton)When Christ was born (Jacques)Whence is that goodly fragrance flowing? (Willcocks)While shepherds watched their flocks (Willcocks)Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (Gauntlett/Willcocks)

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