CLARINA SK, s.r.o.
Sládkovičova 1, vchod z Palisád
Po 9:00-17:00
Ut 9:00-17:00
St 9:00-17:00
Št 9:00-17:00
Pi 9:00-17:00
+421 944 250 582
Melody and Double NotesLidian MelodyTremoloFifth-Answer MelodySimple AnswerDouble Notes in ParisEven Hand ChangingChange of MetreEven Hand Changing with a Minor SecondTriplet VariationSemiquaver VariationImpetusAlternatice SecondsAlternating ThirdsAlternating Minor SecondsAlternating Pairs and Legato-RollingLeap Exercise in Paris of NotesCombined TappingLegato Double NotesStaccato Double Notes lStaccato Double Notes llExercise for LeapsStaccato and Legato CombinationPure LegatoJogging AlongLeggieroEach Motif in a Different PositionImitative Mirror-MovementFifth-Answering Rhytmic Touch ExercisePhrygian MelodyPhrygian Melody - staccatoStaccato Double NotesLegato Motif and Pairs of NotesLegato Melody with Staccato AccompanimentStaccato Double NotesSupported Staccato"Subito" Dynamic ChangesDouble CharacterMelody with Chord ResonanceFree Melody